
Annual review 2019 of the Liebstadt Nuclear Power Plant

The Liebstadt Nuclear Power Plant in Liebstadt, Switzerland, carried out its 2019 annual review from late May to early July.

Customer satisfaction and congratulations are the result of the work accomplished and the constant commitment of an entire team.

The client has already booked FORTEB teams for its 10-year review in 2020, which will take place from May to August.

Accession to Valemploi Ardennes

In the context of the development of its business and training pole, FORTEB has just adhered to the Group of companies Valemploi Ardennes, based in Vireux-Molhain. The news was published in theACTU'Val, newsletter n ° 53 of March/April 2019 of Valemploi Ardennes, in order to inform all the members.

FORTEB, through the Director of his training division, Didier GARNIER, makes available to all members of Valemploi Ardennes, as well as all companies related to the Group of companies, the all of its training catalogue, a catalogue that it continues to enlarge, to advance and to adapt to the specific needs of each company.

Partnership agreement

Finalization of a partnership agreement with Mr Hicham DJERAD, General Manager of the Algerian company EDUPRO, a training organization based in Algiers.

A recognized and growing training centre, EDUPRO recently opened a training centre for industrial maintenance.

The training offered by FORTEB are perfectly within the framework of this development.

In addition to its Panel of trainings, the offers of technical advice, accompaniment and follow-up proposed by FORTEB, are also a very strong axis of development.

FORTEB is progressing in its quest for diversification of its activities!

Welcome to San Diego!

  • FORTEB-San Diego

For the second consecutive year, FORTEB, represented by its Director general Laurent Freyermuth, was again honoured to participate in the annual meeting of the BWROG (boiling Water reactor owners ' Group), The group of boiling water reactor operators, which takes place once a year in United states.

Present at the evening of the Vendor Night – which precedes the 2 days of the meeting, FORTEB Was able to exchange with the various members of the group of operators, as well as with the other providers present.

FORTEB will participate the following day at the First day of the meeting, a day when the different members of the group share their experiences over the past year.

This meeting was held for the second time in the beautiful city of San DiegoIn California.

For the occasion, the event invested theHotel Catamaran Resort and Spa, ideally located on the Sail Bay.